Home » How To » How Much Do Kitchen Cabinets Cost: A Cabinetry Planning

This is one of the most important questions to make a cabinetry planning: how much do kitchen cabinets cost ? To answer this question is quite a bit of hard, because every market which sells cabinetry can be different in price. A market and market B might have cost a different amount of money from one to each others. Whereas, knowing the average prices of the cabinetry will help us more to figure out how much money will we spend. But do not worry. Here, we can find the average prices of cabinetry.

How Much Do Kitchen Cabinets Cost How Much Do Kitchen Cabinets Cost: A Cabinetry Planning

How Much Do Kitchen Cabinets Cost: Average Prices of Cabinetry

Usually, basic kitchen cabinets costs which includes top and bottom and have a measurement of 10 x 12 foot start its prices at $4000 to $5000. The basic kitchen cabinets depend on the shape and the size of your kitchen, especially the total your kitchen’s lifelike feet. Basic kitchen cabinets usually come in pre-made. For semi-custom cabinets which have measurement of the same as basic kitchen cabinets, the price begins at $8000 to $10.000. Glass fronts, the choice of woods, handcrafted finishes, intricate trim patterns and other options make the price rising higher, though. Semi-custom cabinets are built after the order is placed, so that you can choose among a certain amount of options. And for the custom-made cabinets, they might cost you around $16.000 to $20.000. Thus, the prices above are not including the installation and the counter tops.

If you are choosing to just take the kitchen cabinets which measurement are standard 10 x 10, then KitchenCabinetKings.com offers you a lot of them with the price under $3000. Here are some kitchen cabinets from KitchenCabinetsKing based on the prices: the Country Oak Classic and the Carolina Oak are $1.195 in price; Honey, Cherry Glaze, and Cinnamon Glaze are $1.548 in price; Santa Fe and Shakertown are $1.766 in price; Sienna Rope, Sandstone Rope, New Yorker, Wave Hill, Mocha Shaker, and Savannah are $1.905 in price; and Pacifica is $2.842 in price.

After knowing how much do kitchen cabinets cost, it is expected that we can purchase just the right cabinets for our kitchen efficiently.


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