Home » Kitchen Cabinets Designs » Kitchen Cabinets Painted with Chalk Paint: Do It Yourselves with Passion

Have you ever thought of getting your kitchen cabinets painted with chalk paint? Perhaps, you need to start with that. Finishing your cabinet with chalk paint will brighten your kitchen, especially if it is a small one. The atmosphere will be warm, light and fresh to be seen. Besides, using chalk paint, it is very easy to do and does not need huge preparation. So, how to make it painted by yourselves? Here are the step.

Kitchen Cabinets Painted With Chalk Paint Kitchen Cabinets Painted with Chalk Paint: Do It Yourselves with Passion

Kitchen Cabinets Painted with Chalk Paint Tutorial

The first thing you need to do for kitchen cabinets painted with chalk paint is cleaning the entire of your cabinet surface, wiping it and then letting it fully dry before starting your painting. As a painter and decorater, Richard Zaiter said  that taking enough time to prepare the surfaces of cabinet before painting the cabinet will give a smoother and even finishing. After cleaning, get it covered with coat. If your cabinets are large enough, you may need three to four coats to be put. Get it as smoothly as you can for the best look and texture. Finished with this, you can move to the other section, which is sanding the surface. Make sure the coat has been dry to do this. In this step, you will have your hand full with the dust of the sanding itself so that you need to clean your hand after this.

Chalk Paint Kitchen Cabinets Before After With Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Kitchen Cabinets Painted with Chalk Paint: Do It Yourselves with Passion

The following step, which is the main point of this do it yourself project, is applying chalk paint. For the color, you may choose your favorite but it would be better if you have neutral yet light color with you, for instance grey. As color is optional, you may have red and white kitchen cabinets if you like. Use a small brush to highlight the panel inside, in the front of cabinet doors. Wait it dry. To make it faster, you can use a hair drier around 5 minutes. Be careful not to do it too close, for it will make the cabinet’s crack. Do the rest of areas with the chalk paint. If all of this is finished, you can use another color, preferably a darker one from the previous chalk paint color that has been used, to be applied in the edges of each cabinet’s door. Choose a dark wax to this finishing to emphasize the color of kitchen cabinets painted with chalk paint.

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